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Is it consensual, is it abuse? – making a judgement.

In your professional judgement, and after listening carefully to the young person’s views, does the relationship constitute sexual abuse?


Does the young person consent to you sharing information with others?


Discuss with designated person for child protection within your organisation with a view to informal information-sharing
Has informal information gathered clarified matters?

Take no further action in relation to child protection.

For help in supporting young people's sexual health, see the document Teenage sexual health - support agencies.


Is the risk to the young person such that referral to partner agencies requires to be made whether or not the young person consents?


Apply ethical framework

Is the risk of harm to the young person or others such that urgent immediate action needs to be taken to protect them and is breaching the young person’s confidentiality proportionate to the risks faced?


Does the young person consent to you sharing information with others?

Disclosure to the appropriate agencies with young person’s agreement – (s)he must be offered counselling and support.

For help in supporting young people's sexual health, see the document Teenage sexual health - support agencies.

URGENT NEED FOR DISCUSSION WITH DESIGNATED PERSON FOR CHILD PROTECTION WITHOUT YOUNG PERSON’S AGREEMENT- young person should normally be told of this intended course of action and offered counselling/support.

For help in supporting young people's sexual health, see the document Teenage sexual health - support agencies.

Provide support/counselling – keep situation under review

For help in supporting young people's sexual health, see the document Teenage sexual health - support agencies.

In all cases record your decision and the thinking behind it, using your usual local record-keeping protocols.